Understanding the Dental Intelligence Dash Board


What is this? This metric includes the following data points:

  • The Bar Chart shows the Scheduled Appointments, Incomplete Appointments, and Completed Appointments.
  • This metric is based on the actual appointment blocks on the schedule and not from the ledger activity.
  • Total appointments display all appointment types.
  • Restorative visits display visits specific to production from doctors, including all Restorative and Specialty Procedures codes with the exception of D4341, D4342 and D4910.
  • Hygiene Appointments displays visits specific to hygiene production. It’s important to understand that this does not require the appointment to be scheduled with a hygienist. These appointments are identified by the ADA Procedure Codes D1110, D1120, D4341, D4342 and D4910.
  • Uncategorized appointments are appointments that have been scheduled without an ADA Procedure Code, and visits with only Adjunctive Non-Clinical Procedures and or Non-ADA Recognized Procedures. Dental Intel uses the CDT/ADA updated Procedure Codes.
  • If the appointment status shows as Unknown Complete, this means that the appointment was NOT marked as completed, but since it is in the past we will register the appointment as completed.
  • If a patient is walked out with a cancelled / missed appointment ADA code (D9987 or D9986) or a $0 custom code, the appointment will not be considered as completed.

Note: This metric is calculated retroactively, meaning that Dental Intelligence uses historical data in order to determine the current outcomes.

Why is this Important?

Patient Appointments is one of the baseline metrics. It tracks how well you are educating your patients. In other words: When you present treatment, how often are your patients accepting that treatment? In order to consistently maintain and grow, monitoring the number of patients that are seen and will be seen in your practice for a specified period of time is critical to your success.




What is this? This metric includes the following data points:

  • The Bar Chart shows the Scheduled Production, Incomplete Scheduled Production, and Completed Gross Production.
  • Total display’s all types of production.
  • This metric is pulled from the ledger activity when a code is walked out with a dollar amount attached.
  • Restorative display’s production specific to Radio Graphs, Exams, Restorative, and Specialty ADA Procedure Codes with the exception of D4341, D4342 and D4910.
  • Hygiene display’s production specific to hygiene production. Its important to understand that this does not require the production to be completed by a hygienist. This production includes ADA Procedure Codes D1110, D1120, D1206, D1208, D1310, D1320, D1330, D1351, D1353, D4341, D4342, D4346, D4355, D4381, D4910, D4921, D9972, D9973, D9975.
  • Uncategorized production is production with a Non-ADA recognized Procedure Codes or Adjunctive Non-Clinical Procedures Codes. Dental Intel uses the CDT/ADA most up-to-date Procedure Codes.
  • Source Data

Note: This metric is calculated retroactively, meaning that Dental Intelligence uses historical data in order to determine the current outcomes.

Why is this Important?

Production is the starting point from which collection are derived. An increase in Production will typically result in Net Profits. By understanding your Production needs in order to reach your desired goals you can begin scheduling to this number and success in obtaining your desired goals will be much higher.


Restorative/Elective Case

What is this? This metric includes the following data points:

Avg. $/Exam is the total Restorative/Elective Production in the period divided by the total number of exams in the period.

  • Restorative/Elective production includes all ADA Restorative and Specialty Procedure Codes excluding D4341, D4342 and D4910.
  • Exams include ADA Procedure Codes D0120, D0140, D0145, D0150, D0160, D0170, D0180.

Diagnostic Percentage is the total number of patients diagnosed with a Restorative/Elective procedure in the period divided by the number of Exams in the period.

  • Exams include ADA Procedure Codes D0120, D0140, D0145, D0150, D0160, D0170, D0180.
  • Diagnosed is the number of patients who had an Exam during their appointment and Restorative/Elective ADA Procedure Codes excluding D4341, D4342 and D4910 were added to the Treatment Planner that same day.

Acceptance Percentage is the total number of patients who have accepted Restorative/Elective procedure in the period divided by the number of patient Presented Restorative/Elective procedures in the period.

  • Presented is the number patients who had Restorative/Elective ADA Procedure Codes excluding D4341, D4342 and D4910 added to the Treatment Planner the same day as their appointment. If this number is more than the Diagnosed number, it is likely caused by a patients having ADA procedures added to their Treatment Plan without that patient having an Exam Procedure Code on the Appointment. This will cause Diagnosed to be less as Diagnostic percentage is measuring the percentage of patients diagnosed with Restorative/Elective Procedures during an exam.
  • Scheduled is the number of patients who had Restorative/Elective ADA Codes excluding D4341, D4342 and D4910 added to the Treatment Planner AND on the same day have added one or more of those ADA Codes to the patient’s future appointment.

Same Day Treatment is the Restorative/Elective dollars associated with the ADA procedures excluding D4341, D4342 and D4910 that were added to the patient’s treatment planner and were completed on the same day, meaning the procedure code(s) added to the treatment planner were also added to the patient’s ledger as production.

Scheduled Treatment is the Restorative/Elective ADA procedures excluding D4341, D4342 and D4910 that were added to the patient’s treatment planner and were scheduled for a future appointment. The future scheduled appointment must be scheduled the same day as the presented procedures as this metric tracks same day acceptance. For example, if the patient left your office the day you presented the procedures without scheduling the procedures but then calls in the following day to schedule this would not be counted.

Treatment Presented is the sum total of the Restorative/Elective dollars associated with the procedures added to todays patient’s treatment planners.

Unscheduled Treatment is the procedures entered into the patient’s treatment planner in the period that have not been completed or scheduled.

Note: This metric is calculated retroactively, meaning that Dental Intelligence uses historical data in order to determine the current outcomes.


Unscheduled Patients

What is this? This metric includes the following data points:

  • 0 – 6 Months displays all active patients that have had a completed visit within the last 6 months who currently are not scheduled for a future visit. By selecting this pie slice you can see the details of these patients including their last hygiene visit.
  • 6 – 9 Months includes all active patients that have had a completed visit between the last 6 – 9 months who currently are not scheduled for a future visit. By selecting this pie slice you can see the details of these patients including their last hygiene visit.
  • 9 – 12 Months includes all active patients that have had a completed visit between the last 9 – 12 months who currently are not scheduled for a future visit. By selecting this pie slice you can see the details of these patients including their last hygiene visit
  • 18 + Months includes all active patients that have not had a completed visit within the last 18 – 36 months who currently are not scheduled for a future visit. By selecting this pie slice you can see the details of these patients. We do not consider these patients as \”Active Patients\” including their last hygiene visit.
  • Unscheduled Active Patients are patients that have had a completed visit within the last 18 months, a status of active in your Practice Management Software and DO NOT have a future scheduled appointment.
  • Prophy Patients who have not been seen for hygiene in over 18 months are considered hygiene inactive. This will result in the 18-36 Months source details showing zero unscheduled patients when filtering by Prophy.
  • Unscheduled Opportunity is taking your Unscheduled Active Patients and multiplying these patients by your (3 Month) Average Hygiene Production per Visit. This gives you an indication of the amount of Production available if you were to schedule these patients for a Hygiene Visit.
  • Est. Annual Opportunity is taking your Unscheduled Active Patients and multiplying these patients by your Average Annual Collections per Active Patient. This gives you an indication as to how much revenue your practice would receive if these patients were actively being seen in your practice.
  • Rescheduled Patients identifies the number of patients that were added back to your schedule within the period selected.
  • Rescheduled Production identifies specifically the production that was added back into the schedule. This value comes from the ADA Procedure Codes attached to the visits from Rescheduled Patients within the period.


Q: Where is the “Hyg Provider” coming from?

A: The last provider on that patient’s ledger to perform Hygiene (prophy or perio)






Hygiene Case

What is this? This metric includes the following data points:

Avg. $-Visit is the total Hygiene Production in the period divided by the total number of Hygiene Visits in the period.

  • Hygiene production includes ADA Procedure Codes D9972, D9973, D9975, D4341, D4342, D4355, D4381, D4910, D4921, D1110, D1120, D1206, D1208, D1310, D1320, D1330, D1351, D1353, D4346.
  • Hygiene Visits are identified by patients who are seen for any of the following ADA Procedures D4341, D4342, D4910, D1110, D1120

Diagnostic Percentage is the total number of patients presented with a Hygiene Case Procedure in the period divided by the number of Hygiene Visits in the period.

  • A Hygiene Case Procedures include ADA Procedure Codes D1351, D1353, D4220, D4341, D4342, D4346, D4355, D4381, D4921, D4999, D5994, D6080, D6081, D9972, D9973, D9975

Acceptance Percentage is the total number of patients who have “Accepted” a Hygiene Case Procedure divided by the number of patients Presented a Hygiene Case Procedure. The “Accepted” need to occur on the same day the “Presented” occurred. The purpose of this metric is to measure same day Case Acceptance whether the procedures are accepted and scheduled for a latter date or accepted and performed on the same day as the visit.

  • Presented is the number patients who had Hygiene Case Procedures added to the Treatment Planner the same day as their appointment.
  • “Accepted” is the number of patients who had Hygiene Case Procedure added to the Treatment Planner AND on the same day have added one or more of those ADA Codes to the appointment for the patient on the same day (Same Day Treatment) or in the future.

Same Day Treatment is the Hygiene Case Procedure dollars that were added to the patient’s treatment planner and were then completed on the same day identified by the procedure(s) added to the patient’s ledger on the day the treatment was presented.

Scheduled Treatment is the Hygiene Case Procedures that were added to the patient’s treatment planner and were scheduled for a future appointment. The future scheduled appointment must be scheduled the same day as the presented procedures. This metric tracks same day acceptance. For example, if the patient left your office the day you presented the procedures without scheduling the procedures but then calls in the following day to schedule, this would not be counted.

Treatment Presented is the sum total of the dollars associated with the Hygiene Case Procedures added to todays patient’s treatment planners.

Unscheduled Treatment is the procedures entered into the patient’s treatment planner in the period that has not been completed or scheduled.

Note: This metric is calculated retroactively, meaning that Dental Intelligence uses historical data in order to determine the current outcomes.



New Patients

What is this? This metric includes the following data points:

  • New Patients: The number of patients who have had a first completed visit in the practice. They are counted as a ‘new patient’ the first time ADA code is walked out on their ledger.
    • Note: Your Practice Management Software’s definition of a New Patient might differ. The reports within your Practice Management Software may be identifying newly created Patient Profiles as New Patients. Dental Intel will look for the first completed appointment. In addition, Dental Intel is unable to recognize Custom Codes, this can effect the final report.
    • If a patient has multiple appointment blocks on the same day, they will be shown in the source data multiple times. However, the patient will only count towards the total number of new patients once.
    • If ADA Codes D9968 or D9987 (broken appointment codes) are found on the appointment, the patient will NOT be counted as a new patient.
  • Hyg Re-Appointment %: The number and percentage of New Patients that have scheduled a future hygiene appointment.
  • Case Acceptance %: The number of New Patients where treatment was presented in the Treatment Planner and the number of New Patients and percentage who have completed or scheduled the recommended treatment before the end of day.
  • Lost: The number of patients that have fallen into the category of not having a completed visit within the last 18 months or who’s status in the Practice Management Software was changed from Active to Inactive.
  • Recaptured: This is the number of patients who have not completed a visit within the past 18 months, but have now completed a visit and are brought back into the practice.
  • Net Growth: This is the number of New Patients less the Lost patients. It is important to remember that New Patients is based on an individual completing his or her first appointment, not if this individual has scheduled a subsequent appointment. You may consider calculating your Net Growth using the Reappointed New Patients rather than New Patients.

Note: This metric is calculated retroactively, meaning that Dental Intelligence uses historical data in order to determine the current outcomes.

Why is this Important?

Without a consistent flow of new patients, the practice will begin to see a decline in production. The Active Patient size, Pre-Appointment and Hygiene Re-Appointment Percentages will determine the amount of New Patients a practice will need to schedule in order to maintain or grow the practice. Often times the number of New Patients required to achieve a healthy growth rate can be significantly reduced if the practice focuses on rescheduling existing patients immediately after they have completed their current appointment and recalling those that did not schedule.


Hygiene Re-Appointment

What is this? This metric includes the following data points:

  • Hygiene Re-Appointment Percentage: The percentage of Hygiene Visits that on the same day of this Hygiene Visit have scheduled a subsequent hygiene appointment before leaving the dental office.
  • Hygiene Visits: A Hygiene Visit is any appointment on the schedule with a Hygiene-specific ADA procedure code attached. This includes D1110, D1120, D4341, D4342, D4355, D4910, D4921, D4999, D6080, D4346 and D6081. If a Hygiene code is attached with no other procedure codes, it will be categorized as a Hygiene Appointment.
  • Re-Appointed: The number of Hygiene Visits that scheduled a subsequent hygiene appointment before leaving the dental office, meaning same-day reappointed patients. This number does not change.
  • Unscheduled: Patients who are still unscheduled for Hygiene.

Note: This metric is calculated retroactively, meaning that Dental Intelligence uses historical data in order to determine the current outcomes.

Why is this Important?

By reappointing 90% or more of your patients, you will help ensure a stable and growing patient base. This provides your patients with the possibility of 2 exams per year resulting in needed treatment being diagnosed. The Hygiene department will grow at a much faster rate increasing the number of scheduled appointments without the costly and timely front making numerous calls to reschedule. By focusing and improving the performance of same day Reappointing, the practice will increase in overall production, collections and value. Currently the alternative method to measure the Reappointment % in the practice is through manual efforts that are time consuming and often inaccurate.




What is this? This metric includes the following data points:

  • Cancellations: The percentage of patient appointments which were broken more than 24 hours before their appointment.
  • Scheduled: The number of scheduled appointments that are on your schedule. This number will match the number of appointments on your Appointments metric.
  • Cancelled: The number of appointments that were classified as a Cancellation. Appointments are classified as a Cancellation if they are broken more than 24 hours before the appointment time.
  • Unscheduled: the number of patients who had Cancellations during this time period and are still unscheduled.

Click here for instructions: How to use Dentrix to record and send the correct cancellation information to di.

Note: This metric is calculated retroactively, meaning that Dental Intelligence uses historical data in order to determine the current outcomes.

Why is this Important?

Cancellations and No-Shows will ruin profitability faster than most any other problem. By minimizing these two issues, you will preserve margin and reach break even much faster. High cancellation percentages can be reduced by helping the patients understand how important this appointment time is immediately after scheduling the appointment.




What is this? This metric includes the following data points:

  • No-Show %: The percentage of appointments broken less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled time of the appointment.
  • Scheduled: The number of scheduled appointments that are on your schedule. This number will match the number of appointments in the Appointments metric.
  • No-Shows: The number of appointments that were classified as a No-Show. Appointments are classified as a No-Show if they are broken less than 24 hours before the appointment time.
  • Unscheduled: the number of patients who had No-Shows during this time period and are still unscheduled.

Click here for instructions: How to use Dentrix to record and send the correct no-show information to di.

Note: This metric is calculated retroactively, meaning that Dental Intelligence uses historical data in order to determine the current outcomes.

Why is this Important?

No-Shows will ruin profitability faster than most any other problem because there is no time available to fill the open chair. No-Shows are generally a cause of not confirming the appointment a couple days before the appointment date. By minimizing No-Shows, you will preserve margin and reach break even much faster.



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